Bee Happy!

We have a lot to be happy about at the moment. The sun is shining and
I have been overcome by the generosity of our community recently.  Out of the blue I got an email from an ex-Leader living in Barton who offered us a tent that they no longer needed.  It’s in excellent condition and will be much used over the coming years.  We are so fortunate that people think of us as of course we don’t have huge reserves of finance.  

But why are we Bee Happy?

A few days ago we put a call out to those that might know anyone with bees as we want to help our Scouts learn to look after bees as they are so important to our environment.  One of our parents put us in touch with Juliet in Weston Super Mare and she has donated three hives and bees to the group.  We are so incredibly grateful to her and Neil for his generosity in providing a space for these bees.  The youngsters won’t just learn how to look after them, they will also cover woodwork in making hives etc and of course there may be some honey tasting to look forward to!  There will bee plenty of updates to look forward to. We will really get a buzz out of letting you know what’s happening.

When a bee is in your hand, what’s in your eye? Beauty. Because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.

Vega. Group Scout Leader. May 2019

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